Does STEM education have an impact on the growth of a child?

The value of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in the development of children cannot be emphasised in a world where technology is consuming our lives. STEM abilities are vital for a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development in addition to being a requirement for success in the workforce. This essay examines the many advantages of STEM education for kids’ growth, emphasising how it promotes creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a lifetime love of learning.
Popularity of STEM Learning in India
Based on studies conducted in 2016, India (with 78 million students) was among the top countries in the world for university graduates. Only 2.6 million additional STEM graduates, or 3.3%, were produced, nevertheless. In India, over 32% of students were pursuing STEM education by the year 2018. To increase females’ access to STEM fields, the Department of Science & Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India) partnered with IBM in October 2020. The purpose of this partnership was to expand two DST programs, Vigyan Jyoti and Vigyan Prasar (Engage with Science).
Impact of STEM Education on Child Growth
Little ones are naturally gifted scientists and engineers. Similar to STEM, early childhood education funding affects the workforce pipeline. High-quality pre-K reduces juvenile arrests by a third, the rate of children being held back a grade in half, and boosts employment by 23%, high school attendance by 33%, and college attendance by an astounding 80%. Children can build upon their innate desire to explore, construct, and ask questions in well-designed early learning environments. The connection between STEM and early childhood education is compelling and strong. Early math skills are the most reliable indicators of subsequent learning, according to research, and the brain is most responsive to learning math and logic between the ages of 1 and 4.
Early mathematics proficiency predicts later academic performance more accurately than early reading proficiency, according to research from the University of California, Irvine. The study discovered that “early math concepts, such as knowledge of numbers and ordinality, were the most powerful predictors of later learning” when comparing math, reading, and social-emotional skills at kindergarten admission. It is a major problem if people would rather be eating broccoli or cleaning their toilets than utilizing math abilities, which are such a crucial part of scholastic achievement. Since today’s young children will make up tomorrow’s workforce, math proficiency and other STEM competencies are critical to the nation’s long-term competitiveness. Employees that are proficient in these areas will be better equipped and more competent to work in the positions than others. STEM education is not only about memorising facts by heart or following formulas, unlike what the public believes. Innovation and creativity are essential components of STEM fields. Children who are encouraged to explore, experiment, and ask questions develop a creative spirit that can result in scientific and technological advances. nChildren can test theories, explore their own ideas, and learn from their mistakes through STEM projects like science experiments or engineering challenges. Children’s creativity is fostered and their ability to think creatively is encouraged by this experiential learning method.